Kinda short on Ukraine, US and migration in Europe

So, in this whole mess in Ukraine, I usually follow Russian dissidents in the West. The quality of their information and analysis is by far superior to the regurgitated ignorance of the Western “pundits” who actually know and understand close to nothing. And funnily enough – the ‘Russians’ have more knowledge about the goings in the West than whatever one may read in the MSM.

So, below is another one of the podcasts of the dissidents: both live in Europe. Main points:

  1. Aslanian gives out the name of an American automotive maker, who, by still keeping his Russian subsidiaries operational, is actually supporting Putin’s war machine – keeping it alive. Many Western companies have been operating in Russia by establishing subsidiaries via JVs with the local manufacturers. This American company is case in point. And despite the sanctions, didn’t halt its production in Russia. All its ‘civilian’ products are now utilised for military heavy machinery.

2. Breaking: Germany signed migrants swapping pact with Uzbekistan. Now, that’s an interesting one. Germany will export all its Islamist radical rejects (mainly from Syria and Afghanistan) to Uzbekistan who will ‘process’ them. Not many people know anything about former Soviet Central Asia republics. They are muslim by official religion and culture, but not radical, actually they are secular muslims. And are very wary of the foreign extremists who try to infiltrate from Saudi or Iran. Moreover, they are no no-nonsense no bleeding heart human rights governments and whoever is in their black lists, they are not getting any kid gloves discount. So the perfect place to sort out Islamists. What do Uzbeks get in exchange for treating Western refuse? Work visas for their skilled workers. And here it’s another surprise – apparently significant percent of younger Uzbeks acquired relevant to the modern times higher education and top notch skills and are rather advanced in spheres like high tech, medicine and more. Check that out guys.

3. Italy: have not seen this one anywhere in the media outlets. Apparently Meloni signed deportation treaties with Albania, Turkey and some other country (Tunisia maybe). Migrant rejects are sent there. Immigration fell 67%!!!! last year already, if I am not mistaken. Moreover, she went on and cut taxes – economy is going up.

As the old adage goes: if there is a will, there is always a way. So guys, I have no idea what the Western MSM agenda is, but one thing is sure: they are not reporting the facts about anything – the war in Ukraine or what’s going on in Europe.

21/6/2024 – P.S. – Breaking!!!!! Speaking of Central Asia republics and their attitude to Islam, this is from today: Tadjikistan banned #hijab and Eid celebrations.

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